SEGroup LPG Piping Systems

Greenology Innovations, Inc.

Greenology Innovations Inc.

Greenology Innovations Inc. was established in 2011 with a primary focus on providing safe and reliable solutions for the LPG industry. Over the years, the company has grown and diversified, expanding its offerings to include Toxic Gas Detection Systems, Fire Suppression Systems, and Smart Solutions. These solutions cater to various industries such as Data Centers, Power Generation, Mining, and Cold Storage Facilities. We have partnered with leading companies in the USA and EU to introduce safe and innovative technology to the Philippine market. Additionally, we are a proud member of the Philippine Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association (PLPGA) and a licensed contractor by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB).

In light of the recent pandemic, we have adapted our business strategy to emphasize solutions with social impact. We have expanded our offerings to include Atmospheric Water Generators, Smart Waste Bins, and Decontamination Services using Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide. This reflects our commitment to sustainability and community welfare. This strategic shift aligns with our mission to foster safe and reliable solutions while addressing pressing environmental challenges and enhancing the quality of life for the communities we serve.

Let us partner with you in your business.